Dysphagia & impaired swallowing
Diseases & clinical pictures
- Dysphagia after surgeries
- Head-and Neck Tumors: e.g. Tongue, larynx, pharynx (throat), Neck lymph node, reconstruction of defects with tissue transplants.
- Upper Spine
- Dysphagia after radiation therapy of the head-and-neck area
- Dysphagia in neurologic diseases: e.g. after a stroke, after traumatic brain injury, in Parkinson’s’ disease, muscle dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Dysphagia in children
- Patients with tracheal cannulas
Diagnostics & functional tests
After a detailed medical history, we usually start the inspection with a clinical swallowing examination. This is followed by a video-endoscopical swallowing evaluation (“FEES” = flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing). If necessary, our clinic’s Department of Radiology, being equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic tools, can perform a digital dynamic pharyngo-esophagoscopy („videofluoroscopy”) of the deglutition. If indicated an additional gastroenterological assessment (e.g. high-frequency manometry, 24h pH-metry) can be arranged.
Treatment options
- Functional Swallowing Therapy (based on the principles: restitution, adaption, compensation) in an outpatient as well as inpatient setting.
- Manual Swallowing Therapy
- Procedures in local anesthesia to improve deglutition e.g. injection laryngoplasty such as vocal fold augmentation
- Management of hypersalivation/ impaired swallowing of saliva: drug therapy, injection of botulinum toxin (“Botox”) sonographically guided into the salivary glands
- Management of tracheal cannulas
Special questions are discussed on a regular basis in an interdisciplinary group, working on dysphagia(link is external)) in the Klinikum rechts der Isar.
All examinations and procedures are covered by your insurance (if insured in Germany) and no additional charge is necessary.
It is possible for the involved logopedic /speech therapist to accompany his/her patient during the appointment.
Head of department

Dr. med.
Simone Graf
Dr. med. univ. Olivia Jeleff-Wölfler (Fachärztin für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie und Fachärztin für HNO-Heilkunde)
Dr. med. Sibylle Dautwiz (Fachärztin für HNO-Heilkunde, Weiterbildungsassistentin für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie)
Jasmin Menzel (Sekretariat/ Anmeldung)
Petra Seitz (Sekretariat/ Anmeldung)
Aikaterini Chostelidou (Sängerin, Stud. Hilfskraft)
Stefanie Felber (Akad. Sprachtherapeutin, M.A.)
Kathrin Häusl (Akad. Sprachtherapeutin, M.A.), in Elternzeit
Judith Marscheider (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, M.A.)
Lena Richter (Akad. Sprachtherapeutin, M.A.)
Sabine Rupprecht (Logopädin)
Berit Schilling (Logopädin, Neurorehabilitation M.Sc.)
Carmen Unterhofer (Akad. Sprachtherapeutin, M.A.), in Elternzeit
Ursula Werner (Sprechwissenschaftlerin M.A., klinische Sprechwissenschaft)